Animal Communication

Heal - Love - Trust - Relate

Animal Communication

Animals generally have a natural and strong desire to be healthy and well, but domesticated species are easily affected by the stresses of living in human environments. This stress can compromise their physical, mental, spiritual, emotional, and behavioural health. When an animal is physically not feeling well or is experiencing stress in their environment, they will usually exhibit specific behaviour to communicate these discomforts. These communications are typically misinterpreted as “bad behaviour.” My goal is to work with animals to overcome miscommunication, emotional instability, and to support a harmonious, healthy, and happy relationship.

Grieving for an Animal Companion

For many of us, our animal companions are family members. They share unconditional love, companionship and loyalty. When they are sick or dying, it is an emotionally difficult time. The end of life process is never easy. Often there is much confusion with belief systems around death, making decisions around euthanasia, and trusting intuitive decisions. I guide both people and their animal companions with the end of life process and grieving the loss of a beloved. Lets journey together through the grief towards a peaceful transition.

Animal BodyTalk

The BodyTalk System allows us to explore and balance the physical, emotional, and environmental experiences of the animal. Our animal companions (yes, even a hamster) can reflect and mirror health or emotional issues you or a family member may be dealing with. They naturally reflect our states of mind, health, and belief systems. As a BodyTalk for animals practitioner, I facilitate a process that will accelerate the physical healing process, reduce stress and anxiety, and enhance understanding of your animal companion, thus deepening your bond.